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On September 23, 2018, a young man named Ryan Mullen fell off of an Uber vehicle upon which he was car surfing. He later died of the head injuries he suffered from striking the pavement. Now, his parents are speaking out about the event, and the driver of the Uber has been charged with negligent manslaughter.

This has sparked a debate: What is the responsibility of a rideshare driver, and is the driver guilty of the death of Mr. Mullen? Let’s look at Uber and gross negligence and explore what, at minimum, the driver could have done to avoid criminal charges in this incident.

The Facts of the Case

15-year-old Ryan Mullen fell off the roof of a vehicle in Huntington Station on September 23. The accident occurred following an Uber driver allowing the teen to stand and “surf” on the roof of his vehicle. Mullen fell, hit his head on the pavement and later died from his injuries. His Uber driver was charged with manslaughter in the death but has pleaded not guilty. Mullen’s parents are now speaking out in the hope of preventing similar tragedies in the future.

Car Surfing

Car surfing isn’t a new phenomenon; it’s gone on for decades, usually by teens and young adults looking for a thrill. It’s also, unfortunately, extremely deadly. It consists of a person standing on a moving car, exactly like surfing in the ocean, but over pavement on a fast-moving vehicle. Sometimes it’s done in the back of pickup trucks; in other cases, it’s actually on the roofs of cars or vans. In 2008, the CDC issued a study that showed there were 58 deaths from car surfing and 41 reports of non-fatal injuries for the 18 years between 1990 and 2008.

Uber and Gross Negligence

The idea of someone hailing a rideshare for the purposes of car surfing is likely a shock to many people. Even Uber has stated that they are deeply troubled by the developments and have vowed to cooperate fully with the investigation. The driver has been dismissed by Uber, who has acknowledged that there were poor decisions all around. The stance taken by Uber is that the driver had a responsibility to transport passengers safely to their destination.

There’s no question that the incident occurred, as it was captured and broadcast on Snapchat. The question is the degree of responsibility borne by the driver. If nothing else, Uber’s words ring true: a rideshare driver has a responsibility to get their passengers where they go safely. If nothing else, the driver should’ve at least taken the steps to be sure the young man got medical care.

Uber Injury Attorneys

If you’re involved in an accident involving Uber and gross negligence, or negligence on the part of any ridesharing service, the right injury attorney can help you get compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered. Gruber Law Group represents clients across the San Francisco Bay area in these cases, and we’re ready to help you. Give us a call for a free consultation about your case today.

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